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Saturday 16 July 2011

Microsoft, Sony to be Partners?

New domain registrations by Microsoft suggest that arch enemies Microsoft and Sony could be teaming up! The domains registered are and Both these domains currently just lead up to a search page, however, there’s no official word yet on what those URLs are going to be utilised for.


Gamers might see this as a rather bizarre case of two separate plans intersecting each other. Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Sony’s PS3 are mortal enemies and there seems a possibility of a combination of the two evolving into a super console for gamers.

On the other hand, it could just be for the PC platform with Sony PCs already shipping with Windows. Or a new Sony Ericsson phone running Windows Phone 7? With Sony’s recent online problems, there could also be a possibility of integration with Xbox Live. With two massive companies, the combinations are endless. For now, Microsoft is staying put by confirming that the registration was a ‘defensive domain hold’.

Either way it’s a win – win situation for both companies currently suffering from hardware (Read: Microsoft) and online (Read: Sony) problems.

What do you think this ‘apparent’ latest merger is about? Do let us know in the comments section.

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