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Thursday 14 July 2011

Is this the Samsung i973 Running Windows Phone 7 Mango?

There were rumors back in early July about Samsung prepping a new Windows Phone 7 (WP7) based on the Galaxy SII. Today, we have a first glimpse of what could potentially turn out to be the i973, which runs on WP7. At the Microsoft Partner Conference in Los Angeles, Steve Guggenheimer, Corporate Vice President - OEM Division, showed off an upcoming WP7, which he described as being ‘thin and light', the same being SII's forte.
Image courtesy GSMArena
Image courtesy GSMArena

We only get a quick glimpse of the phone as he quickly puts it back in his pocket. How come it wasn’t on display along with the rest of the products? It seems like Microsoft didn’t want anyone to get a good look at the device. From the picture, it appears to be a 4.3-inch screen, however there’s no way to tell if it’s Super AMOLED or SLCD. The three touch sensitive buttons are placed at the bottom like in every Windows Phone device. Hit this link to watch Steve’s portion of the keynote.

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